

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication means sharing information or exchange across different cultures and/ or social groups.  It is defined as situated communication between individuals or groups of different linguistic and cultural origins.  The Diplo Foundation is an organization that works to improve more inclusive and effective diplomacy by offering courses, blogs, interactive communities, books, movies, and other resources.  A wide variety of fields realizes the importance of intercultural communication for their everyday work.  It is especially important that there be intercultural communication in a global economy.  

Culturosity Group, LLC is a website that helps people to learn about other cultures from experiences by becoming aware of intercultural communication as a part of their every day lives.  One way to improve intercultural communication is by viewing films and movies. Ellen Summerfield, an intercultural film specialist, explains the advantages and disadvantages of using films to help us learn about other cultures. 
I chose the movie The Backwoods to examine for completing the Power of Movies assignment.  British actor Gary Oldman is the star of the film.  I chose this film because it was set in Spain and used both English and Spanish in the film.  I am currently taking Spanish 4 and wanted to be able to watch a film that used both the English and Spanish languages.  I came across the film on my Dad's recent movie downloads.  He is a fan of B rated, horror, and foreign films.  This movie is all three. 

Here is a short synopsis of the film.  The Backwoods (El bosque de las sombras) 2006, is a foreign version of the American film Deliverance.  It is a B rated horror film.  It is about two married couples from London who want to rekindle the flame by getting away for a while.  They decide to take a take a trip to a renovated farmhouse run and owned by one of the couples, Paul (Gary Oldman) and Isabel.  The cabin is located in northern Spain in the Pyrenees Mountains.  Once there, the two men are out enjoying a hunting trip when they discover a malformed, feral girl (enfant sauvage) in an abandoned cabin who appears to be neglected.  They “rescue” the girl and take her back to the cabin only to find that they have drawn out the wrath of the local townspeople who have had the girl hidden in the cabin.  The rest of the movie is about the couples attempt to leave the village with the girl to turn her over to the proper authorities. 
The movie increased my knowledge about the culture of people living in northern Spain.  It also allowed me to practice my listening and interpreting skills in Spanish.  I was able to experience some of the culture in the area.  I believe the language and dress were authentic for the area.  This film gave me the opportunity to view the physical setting of Spain and the way the villages and communities were laid out.  I feel it was a pretty good representation of the amenities that were available in the area. 
However, I believe the film was biased and reinforced stereotypes. In this case, the film reinforced the stereotype that all people living in the mountains are inbred, redneck, and savage people.   While I'm not sure where this stereotype started, I know this example of stereotyping is evident in the United States.    This stereotype seems to have assimilated to other cultures, as this is a foreign film written and directed by Koldo Serra of Spain.  There was one part of the film that really stuck with me.  In our culture, to find an abandoned, dirty, and neglected child, would suggest that the child was abused.  In this case, the girl is terrified of her rescuers and extremely comfortable and loving to the family who has had her hidden in the cabin.  This is an example of not knowing what is acceptable in a culture.  The movie did leave me with a negative image of inbred mountain people, but gave me a little insight that what is acceptable for one group of people might not be the same for another group of people.  But, this was a movie and a horror movie at that.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

21st Century Skills

Globalization has increased diversity in the workplace.  Cultural awareness has become a very important business tool.  Understanding other cultures promotes communication and productivity.  It is important to listen and learn from your coworkers.  Put cultural knowledge to work and learn from each other in relevant situations.

Cultural awareness is key in a 21st century workplace.  21st Century Skills has emerged as the leading organization focused on infusing 21st century skills into education.  They have partnered with the business sectors, educators, and policymakers to determine the 21st century skills needed to compete in a highly competitive global market.  In order to compete as a nation, our country, states, and communities realize that there needs to be a fresh approach to public education. They all agree that the key to improving 21st century skills begins in the public school system. In order for the country to compete they need to address every aspect of education from pre-k-12 to post-secondary and adult education.  Everyone needs to be prepared, students, educators, and communities.  In addition of preparing students in reading, math, and science, students need to learn to think critically, solve open-ended questions, communicate, collaborate, and be creative. 

I chose psychology as my career and psychology falls in the service industry.  Communication is probably the most important skill that I will need.  So I chose to get a BA in psychology. I felt it was important to learn a second language, so I chose Spanish.  Arkansas has seen a large increase in Hispanic population.  I realized that I would be more marketable if I could read and translate in Spanish.  I will also be better able to help people if I am able to understand their needs.

Most schools and colleges have already implemented 21st century skills in their curriculum.  Most teachers require students to work collaboratively, communicate, and work with technology.  Many of my classes have incorporated Angel to enhance the course.  Most high school classes have incorporated technology in their discipline.  As part of a collaboration between 21st Century Skills, educators, businesses, and legislators, most public schools are adding keyboarding at a younger age so that when students get to high school, they will have better keyboarding skills.

My career choice requires me to communicate, collaborate, educate, use critical thinking skills, and be culturally sensitive.  I started acquiring these skills in grade school.  I am still using these skills today, and these skills will pay off in my future.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cultural Lenses


It is true.  We all wear cultural lenses.  Culture is defined as a shared knowledge, beliefs, symbols, and interpretations within a human group.  We see, interpret, and evaluate many things from our perspectives through our own cultural lenses within our own human group. According to Nomadic Mike, it is because we are culturally ignorant.  It is true some people don't know what is going on outside their own borders, and they are afraid to wander outside those boundaries because the world is a scary place.  I am guilty of this also.  You can wear your cultural lenses in your own community and state also.

How some people view the world is based on cultural misunderstandings.  Florence Ferreira of Toastmasters International points out that these misconceptions are universal and that other cultures wear their own lenses.  However in order to obtain a deeper cross cultural understanding, you must be willing to take the glasses off to develop a better deal with differences. 

In order to view the world around us differently, we have to develop a realization that our own traditions, values, procedures, and social practices are different from those of other cultures.  Florence Ferreira does a great job describing the differences in the values and social practices of Americans than those of the shopkeeper in the Peruvian Andes.  Some people don't even take their cultural lenses off in their own communities.  It is hard for me to even imagine how my grandparents lived in my own community.  They too, had different social practices than we do today.  Times have changed.  Technology has changed the way we communicate and work. 

I'll be honest and admit that I'm a little afraid about our trip.  I have been to Mexico twice so it won't be my first time to leave the states.  It will however, be the first time I've ever been without my family.  I have travel anxiety, too.  Flying for the first time, budgeting money and time, and making sure I am culturally sensitive to others. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Globalization has become the buzzword for contemporary political and academic debate.  Globalization covers political, economic, and cultural trends. It is the pursuit of a free market in the world economy.  It is characterized by a growing dominance of western forms of political, economic, and cultural life.  These ideas have spread around the world because of the internet. 
Globalization is not new.  The Silk Road ran across Central Asia from China to Europe.  People have been trading for thousands of years at great distances.  The Age of Exploration continued this globalization.  Countries raced to explore and claim distance lands.  These countries invested in a global economy.  What has changed from centuries ago according to Thomas Friedman is that today globalization is "farther, faster, cheaper, and deeper." 
Globalization is controversial.  While some argue that it allows poorer countries and their citizens to develop economically, others argue that international free markets benefit corporation in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, cultures, and people
World Without Walls shows just exactly how far reaching a corporation can be.  Focusing on McDonalds it demonstrates just how global McDonalds has become.  It uses McDonalds as an example of how far reaching a corporation can expand.

Globalization has impacted most of us in some way or another.  Every time we go into a Wal Mart we can see evidence of a global economy.  All you have to do is look at where a product is made to realize that we are a world dependent upon others.  My parents have seen the effects of globalization in their poultry farming in the past two years.  The company they grew for was bought out by a Brazilian meat corporation and this has effected their business.    Social media has directly effected my life.  This is probably the best example of a world without walls.  You can almost instantly connect to anyone anywhere around the world.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cultural Awareness

Cultural awareness is being aware of cultural values, beliefs, and perceptions.  This means we need to be aware of our own culture as well as others. There are four levels of cultural awareness. The first is the notion that the way I do things is the right and only way.  In the second level, people are aware of others ways but insist that their way is better.  The third level accepts both ways and are willing to work together.  In the fourth level, people come together from different backgrounds to create a culture of shared meanings.

In order to become a more culturally aware person, you have to recognize that we are not all the same.  Our similarities and differences make us both important.  People have to learn to live and work together with these similarities and differences in the best possible way.  In order to achieve these, you must be able to admit you don't know everything and maybe your way is not necessarily the right way.  In order to understand others, you must put yourself in their shoes.    Learn to be more comfortable with change and celebrate being different.

The Iceberg Model of Culture is meant to give us a deeper understanding into learning about others culture.  The surface culture that you see above the water are foods, holidays, art, language, music,  and history.  These cultural traits are what most people use to define groups of people.  It's what you don't see below the surface.  Deeper and hidden like an iceberg might be in the ocean.  Norms, values, perceptions, religious beliefs, ethics, traditions, and gender roles are a few of the things we don't see.  We also don't consider social or economic status.  We have people living in the United States who can't even notice or recognize the differences in their own communities. 

I am trying to be more culturally aware of both Ireland and Scotland.   The history of both counties obviously goes back further than American history, and they are not considered a melting pot of cultures as we are in the United States.  I found out there are differences in deep culture.  Ireland is a past oriented country rooted in deep tradition.  There are also tensions and differences between the different classes of people in both countries.  I am posting two websites that examine cultural diversity of both Scotland and Ireland.

Countries and Their Cultures: Ireland                                    
Countries and Their Cultures: Scotland
Heavy Metal Scottish Bands

Monday, January 27, 2014

My name is Zack Pinson.  I graduated from Umpire High School in 2011.  I have attended Henderson State University since graduating high school.  I finished 90 hours last semester and am now officially a senior in college.  I hope to complete my BA in Psychology in the fall of 2014.

I grew up in Langley, Arkansas in the foothills of the Ouachita National Forest.  The cover picture for this blog was taken on the Long Creek bridge in the Albert Pike Recreation Area in the Ouachita Mountains.  I love the outdoors and this location is just a few miles from my house.  I have spent a lot of time here and on the Little Missouri River which is also just a few miles from my house.

I have several interests.  I love basketball and played all through high school.  I love the outdoors.  I like to hunt, ride four-wheelers, and float the river.  My favorite interest is playing music.  I play the guitar, bass, and drums.  I have been in several bands and played live shows.  I love to write and record music, too.  I am currently writing and recording with my former English teacher from high school.

I wanted to be an engineer when I graduated high school. But, changed my mind before my freshman year was over.  I decided to change my major to psychology.  I used to go to my mom's class and watch as she taught her psychology class and discovered that I was interested what she was teaching.  I have enjoyed all my psychology classes here at Henderson State University.  I would like to continue my education and go into counseling.  I am interested in working in public schools.  I am also interested in using music as therapy for people who have mental disorders.

I am creating this blog because this summer I am going on a trip to Scotland and Ireland with a group of students from Henderson State University.  I want to know more about the music and culture of the countries before I visit.  I hope this blog allows me to learn more about the music scene before I arrive.  I also want to share some of my music with others.