

Monday, January 27, 2014

My name is Zack Pinson.  I graduated from Umpire High School in 2011.  I have attended Henderson State University since graduating high school.  I finished 90 hours last semester and am now officially a senior in college.  I hope to complete my BA in Psychology in the fall of 2014.

I grew up in Langley, Arkansas in the foothills of the Ouachita National Forest.  The cover picture for this blog was taken on the Long Creek bridge in the Albert Pike Recreation Area in the Ouachita Mountains.  I love the outdoors and this location is just a few miles from my house.  I have spent a lot of time here and on the Little Missouri River which is also just a few miles from my house.

I have several interests.  I love basketball and played all through high school.  I love the outdoors.  I like to hunt, ride four-wheelers, and float the river.  My favorite interest is playing music.  I play the guitar, bass, and drums.  I have been in several bands and played live shows.  I love to write and record music, too.  I am currently writing and recording with my former English teacher from high school.

I wanted to be an engineer when I graduated high school. But, changed my mind before my freshman year was over.  I decided to change my major to psychology.  I used to go to my mom's class and watch as she taught her psychology class and discovered that I was interested what she was teaching.  I have enjoyed all my psychology classes here at Henderson State University.  I would like to continue my education and go into counseling.  I am interested in working in public schools.  I am also interested in using music as therapy for people who have mental disorders.

I am creating this blog because this summer I am going on a trip to Scotland and Ireland with a group of students from Henderson State University.  I want to know more about the music and culture of the countries before I visit.  I hope this blog allows me to learn more about the music scene before I arrive.  I also want to share some of my music with others.